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(24) Huamantla
Guiraca caerulea com.
Molothrus: a species of this genus was com.
Icterus wagleri com.
Trochilus lucifer com.
Myiarchus: Not very com.

Huamantla. Tlaxcala. Mexico
May 9th to 17th 1893
Note - Huamantla is very much the same country as Chalchicomula Puebla, and I neglected to make any lists of the Birds and mammals but they are much the same. From Huamantla I made a trip up on the Sierra Malinche found very little there stopped 2 nights and trapped high up near timber line.
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Perote [[strikethrough]]Huamantla[[/strikethrough]] (25)
Got only two shrews/arvicola and 4 Neotomas. No signs of Geomys were seen on the Mt. or in the neighborhood of Huamantla.  We worked the immediate neighborhood of Huamantla getting white-bellied Sitomys, Reithrodontomys and Arvicolas. also Spermophilus mex.

Perote, Puebla, Mexico
May 17th to about June 10th, 1893.
Alt. about 8280 ft.
Note. I made a trip from this place over into a lava bed about N.W. from town & in company with Mr. Nelson made a trip to the top of the [[?]] which rises
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