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Cyanerpes, Dec. 1, 1957, III. 17

As further evidence of the low intensity nature of the CN (and its lack of appreciable escape element) I can cite the case of the captive ♂, this afternoon, who gave a whole series of CN's, at rapid intervals, for at least 5 minutes, in a perfectly relaxed posture. This perfectly relaxed posture was, as usual, an extreme case of fluffing or ruffling. Extreme fluffing seems to be characteristic of birds half asleep- especially in the sun

Blue of rump remarkably conspicuous
(Black of back extends up head & looks very velvety).
CN with extreme relaxed fluffed posture
Blue of rump quite light ―almost turquoise like the crown.
The bill is opened & closed conspicuously with each CN, and the tail jerks upward slightly just as the call is uttered.

Cyanerpes, I. December 2, 1957 Barro Colorado

One visiting ♂ in perfect plumage just gave a HCN (perhaps not the very harshest type) with CR. This must, I suppose, be considered an ambivalent case.
The captive birds seem to ignore or pay little attention to a