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Cyanerpes, Feb. 17, 1958, II

arently silent
  I have seen the old male give Wh Notes from a perfectly unritualized looking sitting posture & CR. I have seen the old female give Wh notes from a quite unritualized sort of pre-attack posture [[underline]] without [[/underline]] CR.
  There may be a slight tendency for the old female to dispute with the new female, and the old male with the new male; although I have certainly seen the old male dispute with the new female also. 
  The tongue is certainly raised and very conspicuous (it is whitish) during HCN's 
  Ordinary CN's can be given with [[?]] smooth as well as CR at least in the case of the male)
  The new female has been rather strongly persecuted by the old one; and it may possibly be significant that she has spent most of the morning sitting very quietly in a rather hunched very fluffed posture (In what seems to be the usual, unritualized, resting fluffed posture; i.e. what I have called Buefluff[[?]] in the case of males.)
  The older young male has continued to do quite a lot of WS this morning. In a posture which I think must now be recognized as the "typical" WS posture. Very little ritualized if at all. The bird stands (or, rather, sits--as its legs are flexed) more or less erectly, with head more or less horizontal, and CR. The wings are slightly drooped, but not spread, and the wing feathers aren't spread either. There is usually some very slight fluffing all over. This is particularly conspicuous (although still very slight) in the case of the rump feathers. The line of the back is then comme ça: