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[[underlinded]]Cyanerpes[[/underlinded]], Feb 21, 1958, III      48[[circled]]

[al] components of the Wh Complex of the Blues??? It certainly looked like it, but, if so, it is peculiar that it is associated with the R which certainly does [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] seem to be related to the Wh N's of the Blues
The captive [[female symbol]] has, however, uttered some notes which may be related to the Wh N's of the Blues in one way or another. Single short buzzy notes, with a pronounced twang (rather like the LCN's of Bonaparte's Grill) which I shall call "Bzz's" She has uttered quite a lot of them from time to time, always (or almost always) when an adult [[male symbol]] Blue has come too close to her. Apparently very [hostile]. Usually uttered from posture which is very reminiscent of the less extreme St's of [[female symbol]] Blues. [[Comme ça?]]:
Again, no trace of CR.
(This species may be larger headed, heavier billed, and shorter tailed than the Blues). I think the bill opens [[and symbol]] closes slightly with each Bzz note, (it certainly does with some!).
The bill is certainly opened and closed  quite widely with each CN. The general sound of these CN's is much more like that of the CN's of the Green Honeycreepers that is that of the Blue CN's.
The general effect of all the Shining Honeycreeper behavior I have seen this morning, in fact, is quite reminiscent of the Greens (although obviously related to Blue behavior). Certainly much more so than I expected). 
The captive [[female symbol]] Shining has certainly shown no tendency to advance toward or join the captive Blues, except more or less accidentally.