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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], Feb. 24, 1958, II  52[circled page number]

of the time he was around (but none with tail raised like the one I saw & drew on Feb. 21, p. 47). He certainly gave an R from an St. posture like the one I drew on Feb. 22, p. 50. Once he went into an even more extreme St, without call of any sort. Comme ca:
[[image of bird on twig, head and beak arched up towards sky]] 
Definitely hanging on the bent legs.
I couldn't see what released this, or what response, if any, it induced.

[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], I  
February 25, 1958
Barro Colorado

The youngest of the two immature Blue [[male symbol]]'s has been singing a lot this morning. Most (but not all) of his WS's were by 1 or (more frequently 2) notes which seem to be indistinguishable from ordinary HCN's, and a few of the phrases ended with a single similar note. This would seem to indicate that the motivation of the WS contains a hostile component

I have once seen this immature make a supplanting attack on the new [[female symbol]] immediately after a WS; but this is the only case of the sort I ever remember observing.  So the WS cannot possibly contain a relatively very strong aggressive element.

I have seen quite a number of long & violent disputes between wild Blue [[male symbol]]'s (in full nuptial plumage) yesterday and 
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