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[[underline]] Cyanerpes, [[/underline]] Mar. 9, 1958, II (60)

that the dispute as a whole was so high intensity.

These calls were accompanied by all sorts of St - all the St's I have ever seen before and some others as well.

[[image - three pencil drawings of birds, A. B. & C.]]

These 3 postures (with all their intermediates) are obviously what can be called the "common St's." They may all be accompanied by slightly dropping (but not spread) wings, or the wings may be folded over the edge of the wing. They may all be accompanied by Bzz's, or R, or be completely silent. I am not sure of the causal differences between them; but the one labeled "C." above may contain a relatively strong escape component (birds in this posture seem rather alarmed, and they do apparently [[need?]] to escape more than birds in other St's).

A new St which I saw today for the first time was as follows: A sort of "Forward St" (FSt). The figure on the right is the most extreme and probably the most typical.
[[image - three pencil drawings of birds]]