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[[underline]] Cyanerpes [[/underline]] Mar. 12, 1958, II     (64)

The first [[female symbol]] seems to have stopped her peculiar early morning "song" now. Is this because she has a [[male symbol]] with her and is apparently "mated"?

I think that I may have somewhat misinterpreted the Bzz in my earlier accounts. I think that there may be 2 somewhat distinct types of Bzz.

I noticed that the [[male symbol]] of the record pair tends to go into an E St with BL (I think I shall call this EL ST -- to distinguish it from the very tall "alert" St Postures --like the usual St of [[female symbol]] Blues) with considerable BF (this stands for Belly-fluffing), whenever the female came near him. This was usually accompanied by some sort of Bzz - type note (This whole thing is just the same as the common reaction between the [[male symbol]] and [[female symbol]] of the first pair I watched earlier.) But there Bzz's were perhaps softer than some others I have heard earlier (during actual fights?) and seems to lack the twang completely. It is possible that the lack of twang is a secondary sexual character, but I don't think the Bzz's can be very aggressive. 

I also noticed the [[male symbol]] of the record pair went into the same EL St with BL & BF & the same soft Bzz Notes where wild Shining Honeycreepers came to visit, and that he simultaneously faced toward his [[female symbol]] (without moving his body). This seems to be obviously redirection; and I think that it must indicate an escape drive of some appreciable strength. 

I have now heard one of the birds of the record pair give one of these soft Bzz Notes when I passed by the cage! 
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