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Cyanerpes, Dec. 7, 1957, III. 20

middle of the cage (i.e. not plastered against the walls with fright), when he gave most of the HCN's. And there were so loud, quick & long-sustained that I am compelled to think they were relatively high intensity.

Cyanerpes, I. December 8, 1957, Barro Colorado

There was a slight dispute (with a few pecking [[intmovs?]]) between the ♂ Honey Creeper and the Yellow-bellies, when the latter jostled the Honey Creeper as they all came down to bathe, (shortly after the Yellow-bellies were let loose in the aviary. The ♂ Honey Creeper certainly gave a series of Wh Notes, (with only the slightest trace of St) during this dispute. Would seem to indicate that the Wh Notes may be purely hostile. 

Cyanerpes, I December 14, 1957, Barro Colorado

Have introduced 2 new birds, bought at El Valle, into aviary with the others. Both ♂'s in very good condition. One, banded green right, is apparently fully adult (completely black wings and tail), just beginning to molt into nuptial plumage, largely green, with a few blue feathers underneath. The other, banded black right is apparently immature. Just acquiring black wings & tail, no trace of blue yet. 
There was some reaction when I introduced these 2 ♂'s; but nothing very violent.