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Cyanerpes,                         (22)
Dec. 14, 1957, III

occasionally. Often without any ritualized preliminaries or post-attack displays. The ♀ was more often aggressive than the ♂ (This confirms the impression I got months ago, when I first got the pair.) Once she gave Wh Notes from an unritualized posture before attack, St (with perhaps a slight trace of G) after attack. Twice she stood in the U posture drawn on the preceding page before attack, then advanced with unritualized movements & posture, attacked, & gave Wh Notes in an unritualized posture after attack
   The ♂ and ♀ of the pair showed a slight tendency to redirect the hostility provoked by the newcomers toward one another (i.e. turned to face one another during Wh and associated patterns) Once the ♀, in the midst of a dispute with a newcomer, turned to her "mate" and did G in HSt. 
   Both ♂ & ♀ of the pair showed a definite tendency to pick at their bands on their legs during the general excitement.
   The newcomers did very little. At first just flew around and sat or stood very sleek. Then, gradually, began to do quite a bit of CR ―the older newcomer first. They may also have given a few CN's from time to time; but I am not sure of this. 
   The whole disturbance subsided quite soon. The patterns displayed during this encounter would seem to confirm the impressions I got earlier. CR is the lowest intensity ritualized hostile pattern (with the possible exceptions of the CN's ―which weren't important.