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Cyanerpes, I 24
December 22, 1957
Barro Colorado

Very early this morning, just after dawn, the captive juv. ♂ was very active flying back & forth repeatedly. Uttered both single notes and series of 2 or 3 (_ _ _) , both when flying & perched between flights In all circumstances, the quality of the notes varied from pure HCN to pure Wh, through all possible intermediates. No ritualized postures or movements, except for the usual flicks (F), and perhaps a trace of CR. 

Cyanerpes, I January 4, 1958

All the Blue Honeycreepers slept very close together in the same Chinese Pagoda Bush last night not, I think, touching
Two ♂ Shining Honeycreepers (= lucidus) came to visit very briefly this morning! I didn't get a good view of them. All I can say is that they uttered a lot of call-notes of some kind, more often & in longer series, than most ♂ Blue Honey Creepers in the same situation. The notes were rather clear & sharp.
Well Well! It never rains but it pours (literally as well as figuratively. During the first part of the morning all the captive Blue Honeycreepers were persecuted by the Green ones (see today's notes on Chlorophanes), fleeing before their attackers without making any attempt to fight or display back. Then, as soon as the Green Honeycreepers were removed