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Cyanerpes,                         (26)
Jan. 4, 1957, III

(this orientation was maintained [very[underlined]] well). He also did nearly constant & obviously ritualized Pivoting (Pvt); swinging [[fore]] part of body from side to side (without hopping like the [[Maurilius?]], except, perhaps, when moving from twig to twig). This seemed to be nothing more than a great exaggeration of the body movement which seems to be the essential part of ordinary Tail-flicking. This was also accompanied by nearly constant WF of the usual sort. I think that the WF's were synchronized with the Pvt movements; but everything happened so fast that I can't be absolutely sure about this. Occasionally, the WF's would develop into even more extreme Wing-flirting movements (Wflrt), in which the wings were flicked horizontally much farther than in the usually WF, revealing a flash of yellow. The Wflrt's were single movements, like the ordinary WF's. I saw no trace of wing-fluttering ([[Gu/Qu?]]). The ♂ frequently lowered the bill to a more or less horizontal position, or even looked down at his feet, in the midst of all this; but this was variable and occurred at rather irregular intervals, so that it did not seem to be a form of regular ritualized bowing. 
   The frequency of CN's by the ♂ during this performance was also variable. Sometimes silent for a few seconds, sometimes uttering CN's one right after the other as fast as possible (I didn't notice any regular difference between the St and accompanying movements during silent periods and periods of CN-calling__ although I rather imagine that there must