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Cyanerpes,                         (24)
Jan 4, 1957, IV

be some motivational difference between the 2 periods)
   The CN's were sometimes replaced by Wh Notes of the usual sort; but only occasionally. Sometimes without change in the accompanying posture or movements. Probably the highest intensities of the performance. Otherwise associated with attacks by the [[male symbol]] on the [[female symbol]]. (These attacks were nothing more than brief forward jabs; but I think that they were quite unmistakably hostile). Wh Notes were probably given by the [[male symbol]] during & after the attacks.
    There also seemed to be a tendency for the [[male symbol]] to adopt a particularly extreme St posture (with or without CN or Wh Notes), momentarily, immediately after delivering the attack.
    The [[male symbol]] eventually simmered down, at least moment-arily, without doing anything more.
    The [[female symbol]] responded to all this with similar but slightly different patterns [[sketch of bird with head and beak pointed upward]] She also spent most of her time in a St. Posture, but it was almost always higher than that of the [[male symbol]] Relatively little CR, I think. She also did at least some Pvt and WF; but rather less regularly than the [[male symbol]] Most of the time her wings were crossed over the base of her tail. She seemed to be trying to face the [[male symbol]] quite as steadily as he was trying to face her. She certainly relaxed this St. posture from time to time; but I am not sure that she ever actually looked down at her feet (except "by chance"). Most of the time she also uttered ordinary-