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Cyanerpes, I 19
January 14, 1958;
Barro Colorado

There has been nothing of any real interest for days
It is probably that there are fewer visits by wild birds now than earlier.

I saw one adult ♂ in full plumage today who seemed to be flying around with a flock of Plain Tanagers (& one or two Blues & Palms)!

An violated ♂ [[?]]lugts in a tree near my house, and fairly far from the aviary, uttered a lot of HCN's for quite a long time. He certainly didn't seem to be alarmed by anything; and I wondered if this HCN-ing might not be the "equivalent" of "song." (I should like to see a sound specrograph of this HCN. I wonder if it is at all like the R of other species??)

Cyanerpes, I
January 20, 1958;
Barro, Colorado

Yesterday I saw a flock of closely associated wild birds,including at least 5♂'s in full nuptial plumage 20's, flying around the trees in the claring. The largest flock I have seen.
There was absolutely no display in this flock. And the other visitors to the aviary birds (which have become numerous again) have been doing nothing but HCN's CR, and not too much of these. This species, at this time, seems to be a good example of a gregarious form in which overt hostility is presented

Hi transcriber, use the following symbols: ♂ ♀