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[[underline]]Cyanerpes, Jan. 29, 1958, III  35

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while the latter sang, but nothing came of this, and the adult ♂ soon flew away again.
I wonder if this relatively elaborate song of the young bird might be comparable to the song of young ♂ Swallow Tanagers - i.e. a case of ontogeny repeating phylogeny???
It may possibly be significant in connection with this outburst of WS that the young juvenile ♂ twice tried to pick up long straws this afternoon. These straws are the sort of thing which might well be used for nest material eventually. (There wasn't any very strict temporal correlation between these attempts to pick up straws and particular bursts of WS, but they did occur during the general period when he was doing a lot of WS from time to time.)
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I should also note that the molt of this young juvenile (and the older juvenile ♂ as well) seems to be retarded. His wings were only partially black when I got him, and they are still the same. He has added a few, very few, blue feathers since his arrival - but that is all.

[[underline]]Cyanerpes, I January 30,1958                          Barro Colorado
[[triple line and squiggle down left side of page accompanying final paragraph]]
The captive young juvenile ♂ hasn't done much WS-ing, yet, this morning, but the little that he has done has [[underline]]not been associated with preening or BD's.