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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[underlined]], May 15, 1963, III           [[circled]]108[[/circled]]

Both birds flying about quite actively now 7:05. Surprisingly enough ♀ often following ♂. She often does silent St when landing next to him.

7:07 Another cop. attempt. ♂'s approach just as in previous attempt. Can't see ♀'s pre-cop patterns very well. Possibly just sits in H. Cop [[underlined]]possibly[[/underlined]] successful. ♂ slips off. ♀ faces him. Does Q in [[underlined]]low[[/underlined]] St. ♂ just stands. Then both birds relax.

7:10. ♂ approaches ♀ usual fashion. She does definite Q in St. Then apparently SR, turning head to face ♂, while Q continues. ♂ flies off.

Again ♂ approaches ♀ as before. She does St with Q. He tries to mount, but she slips away. He flies off. She continues St & Q for a second, then stops.

7:15. Still another cop. attempt. Usual approach by ♂. ♀ goes into St. Bill extremely vertical, with extreme BL (apparently [[underlined]]no[[/underlined]] BF). Apparently silent. Wings possibly drooped or held out very slightly. But no visible Q (this is definite). ♂ tries to mount twice, but slips off each time ♀ remains in same posture. After ♂ slips off for the second time, she remains in same posture, [[underlined]]but begins to Q[[/underlined]]!

[drawing of bird labeled ♀ pre-cop]

So ♀ Q is definitely more post-cop than pre-cop. ♂ just stands after slipping off. In unritualized posture [[underlined]]except[[/underlined]] for BF. Then makes a few
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