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[[underline]] Cyanerpes, [[/underline]] May 15, 1963, VIII 113

♂ is now performing silent St with BF & TU whenever ♀ comes near him. But she ignores him. Flying about uttering SHN's.
5:25. ♂ hops around ♀. In St with BF, TU, and R as usual. Tries to mount her repeatedly (at least 4 times in as many seconds). She goes into extreme St with [[underline]] extreme BL, [[/underline]] whole rear part of body raised, with very extreme BU-type horizontal Q.
[[image: female with bill up]]
♀ St-Q
(Head perhaps more vertical).

Probably utters Buzzes at same time (at least one of the birds certainly does) [[underline]] And each time the ♂ tries to mount, she jabs at him and forces him to retreat. [[/underline]] So BL [[underline]] cannot [[/underline]] be sexual. Probably purely hostile. May indicate that A & E are not far from balance (more nearly balanced than in other forms of St.).
EXPLANATION: Whenever the ♂ does TU, he tilts the tail up at an angle to the body. Seldom or never raises whole rear end of body. Certainly [[underline]] never [[/underline]] raises it much. This is quite different from the BL pattern of the ♀. I must make sure not to confuse the two in my notes. Again ♂ approaches ♀, in usual way. ♀ repells him first by St & Buzz and then by SR in H.
Leaving myself 5:30.