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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], Mar. 29, 1961, III     (89)

s seem to be directed to ♀'s. (I consider an St to be directed in the direction in which the black chin is displayed.)

Sometimes the ♂'s in these flocks perform few or no St's but do a lot of CR and assume a lot of Black Fluff Postures. These Black Fluff Postures are quite variable. They are usually more or less similar to the postures drawn below:
[2 birds drawn]
Sometimes a bird assumes both CR and Black Fluff, at the same time; but I do not think this is usual. Usually one or the other. I have seen ♂'s in Black Fluff point their bills nearly straight downward [[down pointing arrow]] or [[down pointing arrow]] This might be an intention movement of BW.

There seems to be a definite tendency for ♂'s to assume Black Fluff's when they are near birds of other species. This might confirm the theory that the Black Fluff contains a relatively strong escape component. But the ♂'s in these flocks also assume Black Fluff's quite frequently when there are no other birds of other species nearby.

I presume that the Black Fluff - CR performances are lower intensity, on the average, than the St - CR performances.

I am almost certain that the ♂'s in Black Fluffs are usually or always silent.

Sometimes the ♂'s in these flocks do little or nothing except CR