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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], Jan. 12, 1961, II 99

The CN's he uttered were somewhat hoarse and urgent-sounding. I don't know if this hoarseness is typical of all CN's heard close up or not Possibly these CN's were slightly intermediate with HCN's ????
This is the nearest thing to a "dawn song" I have heard uttered by Red-legs. Quite reminiscent of tanagers and finches !!! 
Later in the morning I watched a family group of Red-legs. 1 adult ♂ (possibly the same as the ♂ who gave the dawn song earlier), 1 adult ♀, and 1 juvenile. The juvenile begged persistently from the ♀, and was eventually fed. During the begging, the juvenile remained in an H posture with slight TU, and Q'd vigorously. No trace of St or BF. This begging was probably accompanied by a faint begging call, which I did not hear clearly "Zee zee zee zee ...." ??? The bill was kept open throughout the whole begging

[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], I 
February 4, 1962
Barro Colorado

A pair of Red-legs were very noisy outside my house this morning ♂ banded pink left. ♀ unbanded. Both uttering constant HCN's. ♀ did not have CR while she uttered the notes (I could not see the ♂ ). Then the ♀ flew to join the ♂. As she came close to him, I heard a sort of "GHAC" uttered by one or both birds. A hoarse "Ta zee zee zee" Then both birds flew away.

[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], I
February 22, 1962 
Rio Piedras
All the Red-legs here seem to be in pairs of 1 ♂ & 1 ♀.