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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], I.
February 25,1962
Rio Piedras
This morning, ca. 8:00 a.m, I came across a single ♂ Red leg perched on a high exposed branch. Uttering many HCN's in a rather regular rhythm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Very long sustained. Answered by HCN's from another (invisible) bird about 50 ft away. Eventually, the ♂ flew[[underlined]]away[[/underlined]] from the other bird. This would suggest that HCN's may be threat

[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], I
August 2, 1962
Barro Colorado

5:30 p.m. Came across a juv. Yellow-leg, begging from, and being fed by, an adult ♀. (No ♂ in sight).
Juvenile uttering Begging Call in H with Q. Wings way out and quite high(about level with back)in Q. H with considerable to extreme Belly-fluffing. Head moderately to very low. Bill more or less horizontal. [[underlined]]No St[[/underlined]]! But (sometimes at least) considerable TU! Tail not spread in TU.
Usually Begging Call "Zaa zaa zaa zaa zaa....."  Very loud and hoarse. Quite rasping. Sometimes accelerated (and slightly softened) to "Zuhzuhzuhzuh....." (Once, at least, this occurred immediately [[underlined]]after[[/underlined]]the bird was fed.)