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[[underlined]]Cyanerpes[[/underlined]], May 14, 1963, III 103
ws down, pauses become longer. Unfortunately I can't see ♀. She isn't anywhere near ♂. ♂'s performance apparently provoked by outside stimuli (a wild ♀?) ♂ continues PN's for a long time; at least 3 minutes. Then shuts up 6:55.

Then ♀ lands on branch a foot away. ♂ starts to approach her in F St with Buzzes. Stops. Utters 2 PN's. Flies away. ♀ just sits. ♂ back. Lands beside ♀. Goes into FSt, uttering Buzzes, facing her. She moves away. ♂ follows, still in FSt. Starts to utter R, in same posture. At same time, begins to Q wings! Wings held out only slightly, horizontally during Q. ♀ doesn't respond. ♂ stops R & Q, comes out of St. Then immediately utters series PN's. In unritualized posture, except that tail is raised above wing-tips (probably [[?]] of previous Q performance). ♀ just sits. ♂ shuts up & flies away.

7:01 ♀ continues to sit. ♂ occasionally approaches her. In St or FSt. With Buzzes or R's. But she doesn't respond and he always flies away again immediately.

[[underlined]]None[[/underlined]] of ♂'s Buzzes this morning have been loud or had any real twang.

♂ approaches ♀ again. In FSt with Buzzes. ♀ retreats. ♂ follows. As soon as ♀ retreats ♂ begins to utter R. Still in St. ♀ retreats again & again. ♂ follows each time. Always in St, with R, when ever he gets close to the ♀. Then both birds relax.

♂ seem to switch from Buzz to R as soon as he realizes that the ♀ is not going to respond sexually and/or aggressively.

♂ starts to follow and supplant ♀ with St & R again.

All his St's during such behavior are more or less FSt's. Usually with TU. Some BL. But [[underlined]]no[[/underlined]]BF