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[[start page]] TRAVEL IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE You have decided to go on a trip―the Continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Latin America, or Bermuda―wherever you go; however you travel; you are going to have a good time. In the following text you will find GENERAL suggestions: ways to travel; regulations to be met; what to take; what to see; suggested background and reading. WAYS TO TRAVEL In ways to travel you have a wide choice: on your own feet; by automobile or motorcycle; by bus; by train; by air; by boat. There are trails for hiking such as the Appalachian in eastern United States, the longest marked trail in the world, extending from Mt. Katahdin in Maine to Mount Oglethorpe in Georgia; or, on the west coast the Pacific Crest Trail system, which will eventually stretch over two thousand miles from Canada to Mexico, through national forests and parks. There are the automotive vehicles: passenger cars, motorcycles, busses. If you travel by road, there are many fine ones throughout the Unites States and Canada, and the international highways such as the Alcan and the Pan American. The AAA, the big companies which supply our gasoline needs, maintain travel bureaus or touring services, which will mark out your routes for you, directing you to the most direct ways, with excellent maps. The service is free of charge―just tell them where and when you wish to go. There are the trains: the new comfortable coaches with their reclining chairs, their lounges, their cafeterias and diners; the roomettes, drawing rooms with attendant facilities, will take you all over the Western Hemisphere in unbelievable comfort. There is the air: this newest and, for some travelers, the most glamorous of ways to travel, offers the advantages of speed, comfort and convenience. If time is of the essence, this is the way to get where you want to go and back in the allotted time you have for travel. 4 [[end page]] [[start page]] PLANNING YOUR TRIP Your itinerary will be planned according to your own personal interests and desires. You may be able to plan your own with such additional help as your automobile, railroad, or steamship services will render you. If not, travel bureaus, the AAA, and other services will be glad to help you. The AAA, bus companies, gasoline companies, railroads, steamship and airline companies, all have conducted tours, as do the travel agencies. PASSPORTS AND VISAS. You will need passports if you travel in foreign countries in the Western Hemisphere. Some of these countries require visas, some do not, but the situation changes without notice and you should inquire carefully about the conditions in the particular country to which you go, at the time when you plan to be there. Certain countries require only a tourist card for the vacationer, for a specified time spent in the particular country. Allow plenty of time to obtain your passport. Apply at the Passport Divisions of the State Department in New York, Miami, San Francisco or Washington. Or you may apply to the Clerk of any U. S. District Court or State Court authorized by law to naturalize aliens. You will need two passport photographs, your birth certificate, a letter stating the purpose of your visit, a friend of at least two years' standing, and $10.00. Your passport, once issued to you, is good for two years and may be renewed. Ordinarily you will not need a passport for Canada and Bermuda, just identification of citizenship; vacationers in Cuba do not need a passport, but persons on business do; Mexico allows entrance for two weeks' time on tourist card, otherwise a passport is needed. For all other foreign countries a passport is needed. IMMUNIZATION. These "shots" are important. Some countries demand specific ones, so be sure to check this requirement. You must have a smallpox vaccination certification showing evi- 5 [[end page]]