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Date Jan. 10, 1963 Thursday
Place Curitiba, Foz de Iguaçú, & Catarata, Argentina
Weather Sunny & hot, then cloudy & heavy rain
This has been our all-time low! First our 9AM plane did not leave until 10, as there had been heavy rain & it was not certain the tiny plane could land on the grassy field at Fox de Iguaçú. But we did at 12. Then the trouble began. The Varig man said no plane for B.A. left from the Brazilian side, & that we'd have to catch it on the Argentine side. We finally got a taxi to take us thru the dirty, little town along very rough & muddy roads to a raw river bank -no town, only a small shut wooden "office", where we sat on the very hot rocks until 3, when a small rowboat came from the other side & the police chief appeared in the wooden cage to collect our departure slips. The descent of the steep bank on dirt steps was truly appalling, altho I paid a man & boy to carry out bags down. The row across was quite nice & it was cooler on the river. We got ashore in Argentina on the 2nd boatload, but the 1st had already taken the only taxi. We sat or stood in the fumes
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of a crane loading bags of flour onto a truck from a river boat for nearly an hour, & then an Argentinian young man who had come across with us took pity on us & sent a boy to look for a taxi. He may still be looking, as he never came back, at last it looked like rain, so I suggested to Doris that I walk to the nearest hotel & get a taxi, with the Argentinian to guide me -for a price! we set off up hill & had nearly got to the top when our man stopped a taxi & we got Doris & the baggage, & drove 20 Km. to Hotel Catarata, Misseonies, where we got a room with bath. But as we walked along the porch towards our room, Doris turned to me and said "There's the Falls, if it makes any difference" I could hardly keep my feet for laughing, & it did not really make any difference then, as we were so tired & hot from waiting with nothing to eat since 11AM when the plane had served the typical all starch Brazilian lunch.
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