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Date Jan. 16, 1963 Wednesday
Place Buenos Aires and La Plata
Weather Cool, sunny, then hot.
We got a 925 bus for La Plata & got there (36 miles) about 1030, after a ride thru perfectly flat country, at first the suburbs of B.A., the fields with black & white cows & horses, then a big park & residence sector, & then the town of La Plata. We got a taxi to their zoo, which is very nice, & where I photographed some of the Argentine birds & mammals. A nice pond has a good sculptured sea-turtle in it, & a beautiful bronze stag is just inside the gates. We saw a fig tree at least 15 ft. thick at the base, & several more almost as large. After some trouble we got a taxi & told the man to take us to a "buena restaurante" & we ended up in a merry Italian place, where we got very tough chicken & vegetables, tea, orangeade & flan. Then we tipped the waiter to get us another taxi & tried to see 2 of the museum people, but they were on vacation out of town, so we drove back to the bus station & got back to our hotel just after 330P.M.
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Date Jan. 17, 1963
Place Buenos Aires
Weather Cool, sunny, warm.
We went to the zoo this morning, but at noon we had to leave, as they lock the gates until 230 for some unexplained reason! Then we had lunch & visited the botanical garden next to the zoo. It was very nice, with many handsome big trees including those native to Argentina. -At 8 our friends came & took us to the "London Grill", 3 blocks from our hotel, which we had noticed before on one of our rambles. It was quite English inside, with the map of London and hunting prints on the wall, & Toby jugs & lanterns on the shelves. We ordered "king fish" at their suggestion, & they had that & a big beefsteak & 2 bottles of wine & some brandy besides. Dr. Cranwell as host gave me an envelope of Argentine stamps, & a box of candy for both of us. Dr. Gallardo asked us all for a collecting trip next Monday to his father's farm, which will be very nice. Doris reminded them again of our purlined Iguassu insects, & they laughed, but I'm sure they will help us to get them back. I had "peach pie" for dessert & the others ice cream. They walked us back to our hotel at 10o'clock.
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