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Date Jan. 26, 1963 Saturday
Place Lima
Weather Fine, sunny, then cool & misty
Our botanist friends took us to the big Indian market at Av. Mejico & Aviacion this morning to get seeds for out Dept. Agric., & we got 23 different kinds -9 of beans, 8 of corn, peanuts, peppers, fruits & quinoa (the food grain of the Incas), plus four more that were sent out to be named. As the Peruvians speak Quechua (& are at least part Indian) they have given me the Indian names & meaning as well as scientific names. The market was unbelievably dirty & smelly, & also quite dangerous, as Dr. F. had warned us of many robberies & often murders there, so I left my watch & most of my money at home, & so did Doris, & with our Peruvian friends to talk for us we did not have any trouble. The faces were often interesting & the children quite pretty, with thick black hair & shiny eyes. But they are animal-like too, like the negros, & we got the feeling that we were always being watched.
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Date Jan. 27, 1963 Sunday
Place Lima and suburbs
Weather Fine, sunny, cool.
I wrote 40 postcards home this morning! We went on the city tour at 3, & saw "Entre-Nous" a beautiful Colonial dwelling with superb tiles & carvings, where a cute tortoise-shell kitty & the porter & I had a lovely game of chase-the-string. Then we saw a historical society home, much more grand but less appealing, then Rimac across the river, the courthouse, the cathedral where Pizarro is buried, the inquisition house, the suburbs of San Isidro  Miraflores, & the bathing beach. I took quite a few photos. We got home at 520, as I think the guide wanted to shorten it.
Then more postcards, and so to bed!
N.B. I gave the nice porter 10 sols to buy meat for his kitty, and somehow I think he'll do it too!

Later (916PM.) My first "earthquake", or at least an earth tremor, as I distinctly felt this 9 story hotel shaking for 3 or 4 seconds. And things had been rolling off my table all day!
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