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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1862 [[stylized monogram beside date]] 
Capt. Lawyer came from 
[[?]] from L.O. Peirsen [[?]]. [[image sketch of smiling face]]

dark and cold,
    Grant exploring up 
the river.
 [[?]] M.O. [[image profile sketch of bearded man with long nose and hair]]

Beautiful day. Went out Salvaging with Division Discovered considerable cave from the river. The train left for Jackson. [[image sketch of cave]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1862. [stylized monogram beside date]
Cool, [[image 3 separate sketches: on left, a small triangle; in center a profile of a bearded man with what appears to be large ears and horn on top of head; image on the right depicts two parallel vertical, wavy lines followed by a period]]

Wrote to Tom Peirce and [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] Went with a party of five and examined the cave down the river and got wet in the rain. [[image sketch of smiley face]

Wrote to I. H. Jr. Clear, the river is rising very rapidly. Capt. D. [[?]] O. returned from the south. Afterward played for a funeral. [[image sketch of man playing bugle]]