Viewing page 8 of 71

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Thursday January 12, 1862
A letter from Mother
[Drawing of a woman's face with a bun]
Friday 17
[small triangle]
Wet and muddy. -
[drawing of a male face with goatee and moustache frown, brows and wrinkled forehead]

Saturday 18
Muddy evening played to a very small audience.
[[sketch - drawing of a happy face winking]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Sunday, January 19, 1862

My Cookn
[[sketch- drawing of pot cooking over fire with sticks holding suspended pot]]

Monday 20

very Dull
[[sketch- drawing, closed eyes, depressed face]]

Tuesday 21
Aftirnoon met to practice yet - could it get the boys together!

[[sketch- drawing, a profile of an angry face with goatee and moustache and with a hat]] 

[[end page]]