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Rainy. orders to march to-morrow.
Evening dress parade, band got wet. ---

[[drawing of line and triangle]]

Wednesday 29
Were ordered to march but did'nt start till afternoon there is one foot of snow and the creeks are all over flowing. Marched about 5 miles. evenig colder.

[[Drawing depicting a soldier wading in water, carrying a gun with bayonett]]

Thursday 30

Started earle and had a hard time evading creeks. walked several miles out of the way. To pass Marble Creek. Marched about 10 miles. Took a [[??]] dinner at Popis.

[[Drawing of horse at creek]]

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Friday, January 31, 1862.
A little warmer. marched 15 mile without stopping for dinner, evening serenaded some [[??]] ladies who cut down a [[secesh]] [[possibly abbrev for "Successionist"?]] pole.

[[drawing of soldier blowing on a ?french horn?]]

Saturday, February 1 
Clear and warm, stopped within five miles of Greenville. While a Party went forward to examine the river and being found impracticable we marched evance 5 miles to the [[west?]] [[?]] crossed the [[east?]] [[seminary?]]. Took supper in [[loin?]]

[[drawing of man in coat and hat]]

Sunday 2

Cold with snow, The [[regiment?]] has been crossing all day [[?]] raining as they came over, all [[?]] [[?]]. At night rain.

[[Drawing of 2 stick figures rowing/steering raft down river]]
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