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Sunday, February 9, 1862.
a beautiful day.  event [[with?]] the [[bag?]] on.  [[ 3 ? words?]] splendid scenery
[[sketch: a mountain side?]]

Monday 10
[[D?]] on the cliff [[?]] some of the boys.
The train came in from [[S?]] with the rest of the boys.  A letter from home.
[[sketch of wagon?]]

Tuesday 11
[[Dull?]] Evening [se?] [[?]] the colonel and others[] [?ville].
[small line drawing]

Wednesday, February 12, 1862.
Drawing Clothing.
[sketch of men's pants]
[sketch of person]

Thursday 13
cold with snow
[?] to [?]

Friday 14
A very cold night, [[?]]
[sketch 2 people hand-in-hand]