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Saturday, September 13, 1862.
Marched at 6 A.m. camped
[[Strike through?]] 16 miles. 
[[orders [[?]] into Nashville. - strike through]]
[[Image-profile of man with glasses]]
[[image-2 slash marks]]

Sunday 14
Marched at 1 A.m. Moved through Franklin. Camped at noon having marched 14 miles.-
Passed into Kentucky.-
[Image drawing of a soldier marching towards signpost]

Monday 15
Started at 2 A.M. and marched 14 miles to Bowling Green.- Camped 1/2 mile north of of town at 3 P.M.-
Rested at Spring Cave 5 miles from Bowling Green.
[[Image-drawn face]]

[End page]

Tuesday, September 16, 1862.
Very busy issuing rations. 
[[Image of barrel and a tree]]
Marching orders countermanded several times.-

Wednesday 17
The division started at 8 A.M. and took til 4 P.M. to get on the road to the high bank of the Barren river being the trouble. Near the [[west?]] side [[?]] when [[strikethough]] most of the train bivowacked it being impossible to cross the river.

Thursday 18
A detachment of the 15th Wis. went forward to cut-out [the?] bank of the Stream and make is passable.
Marched about 16 miles [[Image of soldier marching]] and rested the division in the evening.-