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New York.  Mrs. Dennison did not receive.  We made several other calls and have returned fatigued with our expedition.  Mr. Brown a young man who has come to the Dist. to prosicute his studies has just left us.

Jan. 5th.  Called yesterday upon the Senator's wives.  To day went to see Lady [[Elmer?]], neice of the English minister.  She is a lady of medium height with bright dark eyes & pleasing expression but somewhat nervous manner.  We had no opportunity of converse with her as there were several people already with her & as all her guests were seated she could talk only with those nearest to her.  It would have been better if she had received standing as is the ordinary mode.  Carry & I enjoyed conversing with our neighbours & soon left.  We made a number of other calls, but not as many as we wished as it is very cold.

19th.  Since the last entry in my journal very improperly so called, we have done little else than make & receive calls.  [[end page]]

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Jan.  [[underline]] 1866 [[underline]]
19  this [[strikethrough]] morning [[strikethrough]] was our reception day  we have passed a very pleasant morning.  Among the very ^[[agreeable]] [[strikethrough]] pleasant [[strikethrough]] people who honoured us was Mrs. Patterson a very lovely lady whose husband is a gentleman of fortune residing here.  The symplicity yet elegance of her manners was very charming.  We were all delighted with her She was accompanied by a long trained young lady who discoursed largely about her grand acquaintances in New York leading us thereby to accuse her slightly of snobishness.  Her long train I am sorry to say was slightly damaged in making her exit.  After they left Madame de [[Lemobrey?]] came in it was pleasant to see an old familiar face we are obliged to form so many new acquaintances.  She was exceedingly agreeable & was joined by Col. & Mrs. Bliss & a young lady friend.  Col. Bliss is the step son of Bancroft and is exceedingly fine looking his wife is very delicate in appearance.  They had hardly left before Gen. & Mrs. Dyer made their appearance.  Gen Dyer was exceeding kind at the
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