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[[underlined]] 1866 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] March [[/underlined]]
a game of croquet in the evening with Jack Gillis & Dr. Tryon.
20th  Went to the Senate with Frank nothing of much interest going on Mrs. John Stockton in the gallery her husband's seat is to be contested tomorrow.  Mr. Stockton came across the gallery to speak to me & was very agreeable.  In the house one of the members was making himself exceedingly ridiculous by abusing Mr. Greeley for some attack upon him.  Something of more interest came up before we left in regard to the taxation of Green Backs.  Everything concerning the currency is interesting now since a return to specie payments is a matter requiring very delicate management.  We are mounted on stilts & must be let down gently or we may cry for broken bones.  Sec. McCulloh seems well able to manage the difficult question if Congress will only allow him sufficient power & freedom of action.  The loan bill by wh. he wishs to purchase the
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[[underlined]] 1866 [[/underlined]]
Greenback floating currency & sell instead ^[[interest bearing]] bonds to be paid at some distant date say fifty years or more  I am afraid will not be passed or will be so restricted & altered that the end desired will not be accomplished.  Thades Stevens is so fond of the paper money that he desires to retain it indefinately.  Sec. McCullah was violently attacked in the Intelligencer last week by Comtroller Clark who endeavoured to show a great discrepancy between the Sec. Treasury accounts & the actual amount of money in the Treasury.  Mr. Clark in his mode of calculation & has done himself great injury.  His wife was in the Senate & House this morning & greeted me in her usual kind sweet way.
Gen. Custer passed the evening with us.  He is a fair haired blue eyed man with a fine broad forehead.  The last time I saw him was flying ^[[past]] like the wind on the day of the great review his horse having run away with him.
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