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[[start page]] and did the war continue much longer he would not have a cent to leave his children. That the nation was incurring an immense debt at the rate of 20 millions & a half daily. Mr. Leslie acknowledged that individuals might suffer but still the nation at large was the gainer Prof. A. said in support of the newly developed [[envy?]] of the nation that the [[strikethrough]]country[[/strikethrough]] congress before the war would never have voted such immense sums as it now does for the public interest. Literary & Scientific Inst. might now hope for larger appropriations. Father attributed this increased liberality to the inflation of the currency money had grown cheap & was easily parted with. Sec. Blair & his son have caused some excitement by an attempt to visit Richmond. it is supposed to hold a conference with Jef. Davis Gen. Grant refused to pass them through the lines not being au- [[end page]] [[start page]] 1865 thorised so to do by the President. Jan. 9th. The Savans all left us on Saturday Prof. Pierce was with us Thursday & Friday We have with us now Mrs. Seldon from the South She succeeded in passing through the lines with great difficulty. Gen. [[Sheriden?]] telegraphed to Father to ask if he would receive her. She has been showing us to day some of her southern articles of dress the shoes she had on ^of coarse leather she paid 90 dollars for a brass thimble cost two; prices of ^other articles were in proportion. Fremont is to be minister to France. 16th Everet is dead New England's pride has fallen How many of our great men have passed away within a year & how few there are to take the vacant places. 18th Fort Fisher has fallen & the Nation rejoices over another victory over the rebels Gen Terry the hero of the action is now the lion of the day Gen Butler is in disgrace for not [[?]] the Fort His severity and cruelty have [[placed?]] him [[?]] our sympathy. Fort Fisher is a few miles from Wilmington & [[end page]]