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April [[underline]] 1866 [[/underline]]
the turbulent political billows wh. even now when we ought to expect a calm still threaten to destroy her.  Another letter from Father, he may be home to night.
16th  Father arrived at six o'clock yesterday morning.  We left him making up for lost time in the way of sleep when we went to Sunday School.  Dr. Gurley preached.  In the evening Judge Hare came in.  In the course of the conversation at the tea table Judge Hare remarked that from the tendency of all creation to seek an equilibrium the [[underline]] "[[men?]] down" [[/underline]] as Father calls it.  All things would come to a dead level, all organisms cease to exist were it not for a sustaining as well as a creating power.  If a world could ^[[be]] created without a God it could not possibly continue in existance without one.  An argument for the ex^[[is]]tance of the Deity he had not met with.  Father said that his belief in God was inducted.  Nothing was more plain to him than the fact of his own existance, of the thinking living principal within
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[[underline]] April [[/underline]][[underline]] 1866 [[/underline]]
called a soul.  "I think therefore I am" reasoning from analogy he must suppose that those around him were equally endowed & finding in Nature evidences of mind of rational thought similar to his own he could no more doubt the existence of a supreme controlling intelligence than his own.
23rd Prof. Hosford is with us.  He came yesterday morning.
27th  Dr. Woolsey President of Yale arrived this morning.  He is not at all striking in appearance and [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] his bearing indicates almost too much humility.
28th  Went to call on Mrs. Admiral Farragut also upon Mrs. Stockton.  Mr. Welling and Dr. Gurley came to dinner.  Miss Dix also was here.  She has resumed her visitations of the insane hospitals and is looking better in health and spirits since she has gone back to her old duties.  We had a pleasand Dinner. Some communications from Miss Dix & Dr. Woolsey causing us some merriment  Dr. W. does not
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