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anniversary of the Sunday School Union and nearly all the children in the city assembled on the Smithsonian grounds preparatory to proceeding in procession to the Capitol grounds where addresses were delivered &c.  Mrs. Parker and her little son The Wilkes & Mamy who has a face that would have charmed Raphael The little Rodgers Miss Ramsey Miss Rucker & Miss Walker & others came over to witness the display.  Carry & I went to the church about two o'clock to give our Sunday school children ice cream & cake.

15th  Mrs. Shubrick here this morning with her daughter Mrs. Climer.  Miss Rucker & Miss Ramsey.  Mr. Beaman & Gillis came in the evening to play croquet Bible &c. with Father tonight  Father was asked to address the meeting but declined gave me coming home a beautiful little speech of things he might have said closing with the remark that we drink in the blessing of the result of the Bible teachings as unconsciously as we breath 
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the air or enjoy the light.  We are so surrounded by them they ^[[have]] to become a part of our daily existence that we are unmindful of them or their source.  Our friend Mr. Chambers rather injudiciously brought forward a resolution in the house yesterday condemnatory of the arbitrary acts of some of the republican members of the house & in approval of the President's course for which he was censured by the House.
16th  A very cold day for this season of the year a fire would be comfortable.  The President yesterday sent into the Senate his veto of the bill to make Colorado a state.  It remained unread an indignity never before shown to a presidential message.  The body of Preston King has been found after being six months under water.  Dr. & Mrs. Hodge here also Mr. Buckingham Smith also Mr. Foxwith his mother & sister.
17th  A rainy disagreeable morning.
21st  A stranger preached to us yesterday.  Father & Nell went to the capitol to hear Dr. Hodge.  Read Nature & the Supernatural in the evening in the