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very carefully watched while it is growing and when mature is dried for nearly a year after wh. it is packed down for nearly a year more going through a process called sweating.  On our way to the Depot we saw a negro walking in the middle of the street blowing upon a horn almost as long as himself wh. we were told was the call for purchasers of tobacco.  It is sold at auction in the market sheds to the highest bidder.  The car provided for us this morning is very handsome.  The divisions are more like small appartments than ordinary seats.  We are detained some time so I amuse myself in writing some doggerel lines.  Keeping occupied the cot.
The Collier's Tuesday Night has been seized by Ellie & Mrs. Harrison & passed over to the Patterson girls opposite
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who are entertaining two young officers.  We are off at last  The beautiful Peaks of [[?]]  how can I describe them  They eluded our gaze this morning but now they lie before us all majesty & grace each change in their outline as we move rapidly on being more beautiful than the last  They disappear at last but ^[[?]] reappear at intervals as if conscious of their beauty & our admiration.  We have an especial train today & stop at various places along the road some times to wait for other trains some times for amusement.  The county is most beautiful and the air from the mountains delicious.  Before dinner ^[[this over the Blue Ridge]].  We stop some times at Big Spring at the foot of the Alleghany.  A small steam engine is [[putting?]] [[wood?]] on the track for the use of the railroad.  It does its work [[rapid?]] 
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