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[[underlined]] 1867 [[/underlined]]
light ^again with eyes & thought only for the beauty about us.  The car sways from side to side with the rapidity of our motion  we stop occasionally to listen & signal but reach Wytheville at last in safety.  We are 2500 ft above the level of the sea.  We enter a large barn like hold leave our cloaks & bags in an unfurnished appartement, the parlor I suppose and we ladies proceed to another room having for sole furniture a ^wooden shelf & long table upon wh are arising a number of wash bowls & pitchers of white ware and a small looking glass in a cherry wood frame.  We lave ourselves & then proceed to supper wh. is served in a smoke darkened room on rough board tables. but is delicious in quality.  After supper we are shown to our rooms seven of us are
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[[underlined]] 1867 [[/underlined]]
again together.  Our floor is carpetless our windows without curtains our beds covered with blue cotton spreads The smallest of mirrors a washstand and four chairs constitutes the rest of our furniture but everything is clean and we are soon asleep with the moonlight streaming in upon us lending beauty to the even the homely objects which surround us
16th  Up early time for a short note to mother before breakfast.  The air is enchanting up here  Breakfast delicious.  We are off again immediately after our appetites are appeased  So we go out of the Hotel I encounter Mr. Baxster.  He has increased alarmingly in rotundity during the war.  He made many inquiries about his Washington friends.  We shall have
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