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[[underline]]March[[/underline]]  [[underline]]1868[[/underline]]
sister & two sons.  The Peales.  I had a headache & could not appear.  Mr. [[Sharklin?Franklin?]] here all night again.
7th  Father has gone to the club to night, at the Chief Justice's & to deliver a lecture on electricity.  We have been warming apparatus at the fire and have sent off the delicate creature wrapped up in warm shawls.  Mr. Gurley and two other gentlemen came to go with them.
8th  Sunday.  Mr. Ried preached for us in the morning.  Semi Centenarian [[strikethrough]]anivere[[/strikethrough]] anniversary of the Sunday School.  My scholars were in high glee considering the occasion a highly festive affair.  I am afraid the Superintendent thinks me rather lax in discipline but I dislike to check the laugh of a child, I would as soon crush a flower.  My youngest darling soon went to sleep in my arm under the nose of Dr. Chester
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[[underline]]March[[/underline]]  [[underline]]1868[[/underline]]
who was delivering a discourse interesting enough to the older part of the community but decidedly above the heads of the little one before him.  The church was crowded and the children presented a very sight as they came up the centre aisyle two by two.  The singing was spirited & sweet, & entered into with great enjoyment by my frolicsome little colts.  Went to dine at the Kennedy's  Had a long talk with Annie who is to be married next month to Gen. Bidwell.  They will be very happy I hope.  He is a good man & one of the richest in California.
9th  Monday.  The papers to day are down upon the Chief Justice for his letter criticizing the senate for receiving the resolutions of impeachment before it was formed into a court &c.  The family have all gone to tea to Mrs. Peale's, that is with the exception
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