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[[underline]]March[[/underline]]  [[underline]]1868[[/underline]]
had another séance with the spiritualist. He [[tried?]]tried him today with magnetism, but he did not do much in that line. Father asked him if he could make the spirits rap as other media did. He said he could and produced some raps so well executed that if Father had not made as many experiments as he has in sound he would have sworn that they came from a certain part of the room. As it was he was convinced that they came from the man himself. After certain experiments he told the medium so. I do not know said the man perhaps they do I will not say. He said he could produce raps upon the glass of a case in the room wh. he did by means of a long
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[[underline]]March[[/underline]]  [[underline]]1868[[/underline]]
stick. Father asked him if he could produce the raps if a non conductor were introduced bet. the stick and the glass thinking Father meant a ^[[?]] [[piece?]] of glass wh. is a nonelectrical conductor but Father put a piece of fur around the end of the sticks. There were no raps. The spirits are not always in a humor for rapping said the man & tried it again with the fur there were no raps of course that was all balderdash. Father says the man is a most consumate actor. 

Took up Ecce Homo this afternoon to finish it. Am shocked at the author  to day.  He takes those beautiful words of our dying Lord. "Father forgive them for they know not what to do" & interprets it to mean forgiveness [[alone?]]of the ignorant soldiers about him who executed the sentence
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