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the Deity. He trusted in the mercy of God.

Jan 15th    Read Seward's speech, delivered on Saturday last. It seems very concilatory in it's tones but pleases neither the North or South. Spent the evening with Judge Scarborough. He is a warm admirer & supporter of Calhoun. 

" 16th      The ordinance of secession was signed at Tallahassee ^[[Florida]] Jan. 12th There are three states out of the Union now, Florida Mississippi & South Carolina.

17th        We heard today Judge Campbell has resigned. 

18th        President Barnard [[blank]] with his wife are with us. He lectured to night upon polarized light, Father told us when he was in [[strikethrough]]London [[/strikethrough]] Edinburough he was one day in a Lapidary shop. A feeble old man came in, to whom [[strikethrough]]he [[/strikethrough]] Father was introduced, as a gentleman from America. What exclaimed Father on hearing his name Nichol is this Nichol who invented the polerizing eye [[piece?]] glass. The old man was so pleased to think any one from such a distance should know about his polerizing [[strikethough]] glass [[/strikethrough]] instrument, that he treated him with the greatest kindness, invited him to his house & presented him with a very valuable chrystal of [[Iceland sperm??]]

21          Lecture by Mr. Barnard. Mr. Welling called in the evening. He did not seem to fear
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civil war. It was delightful to meet with at least one hopeful person.

22          Yesterday the Senators & members of the returning states gave their valedictory addresses. Every one is particularly gloomy to day in consequence, realizing more fully that we are no longer the United States.

23          Father saw a number of his friends at the Senate this morning, all very desponding. Mr. Pierce thought Virginia would join the cesessionists not that such would be the wish of her people but she is so sparsely inhabited, that - were the politicians to bring matters quickly to a crisis, only those in the neighborhood of the poles would have probably an opportunity of voting & the cesession movement might thus be easily carried over the heads of her peace loving citizens.  The Mississippi river has been blockaded & all vessel are required to stop & give an account of themselves.

Went to the reception at the Navy Yard.

Feb 4       Monday, Mr. Benjamin made his farewell speech His audience was affected to tears. He was one of the clearest thinkers in the Senate & a most agreeable speaker. The echo of his dear silvery tones soon died away in these halls but they must linger long in the memory of those who heard him
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