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taken by the Prof. He seemed to be enjoying his ride greatly.

[[strikethrough]] W. 19th [[strikethrough]]
 The affray at Viena has exited us greatly.  It seems that on [[strikethrough]] Sunday [[/strikethrough]] number of troops were sent from Alexandria to take possession of the Alexandria & Loudon railroad. They were transported in a train of cars & dropped by companies at different places along the road until only three remained ^in the cars. These were stopped by a man in the vicinity of Viena who entreated them for Gods sake [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] not to proceed, but the officer in command did not heed the warning & as they turned a corner [[strikethrough]] [the?] [[/strikethrourgh]] a concealed battery opened its fire upon them. The soldiers were obliged to leave the cars & take shelter in the woods at the sides of the road. They retreated with a loss of seven men. I do not know how many were wounded. The men behaved galently but could do little under the fire of their concealed foe. 

W 19th   The Attorney Gen. Mr Bates his wife & daughters [[took?]] tea with us. They are pleasant inteligent people but very simple & plain in dress & manner. A telegram announces an engagement at Boonville Missouri.

T. 20th  Father dined at Judge [[W?]] Com. [[??'s]] & other distinguished guests were present Colonel. Butterfield (N.Y.: 12th) was there for a short [time?]

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time but was suddenly called away. His regiment have been ordered to leave for Vir. to night. It is generally supposed that we are [on the?]] eve of a great battle Gen. Beauregarde is said to be advancing with a large force signal fires have been burning on the Vir shores we retire with a dread of the news the morning ^(m)ay bring.

July 3rd   There have been several small engagements with the secessionists since last I wrote, but the great anticipated conflict between the contending parties is still [[deferred?]] The two armies must soon meet for Beauregard has been concentrating his forces in Vir. & Gen [[Scot?]] has forwarded regiment after regiment so that now the Northerners & Southerners are almost within speaking distance. We obtained a photograph of Gen. B. a few days ago. He has a dark stern face determined & bold but little expressive of generosity or sensibility. Tomorrow (the entire session of) Congress opens. 

July 4th
  It is Independence Day, hallowed & dear to the hearts of the American people but the Birth Festival of our republic [[awakens?]] sad thoughts as well as patriotic feelings. There was a grand parade of the NY regiments early in the morning that state has already

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