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road & the bridges well guarded. At every station officers passed through the cars to see whether they contained any run away soldiers. Mrs. Gen. McCooke & her little daughter were with us. The winning sweetness & merry laugh of the latter greatly relieved the bothersomeness of our journey. We met Sam Stockton in the cars he said his uncle Col. Hunter was to start for Missouri the next day. Mrs [[Gwen?]] Mrs Greenhow & Mrs [[blank]] have been arrested as spys. 

Sat 31st  The body of Gen Lyon passed through the city to day.

M Sep. 16th    The important events of the month have been the capture of the forts at Cape Hatteras a severe blow to the Southern confederacy as it must divide their armies. The proclamation of Fremont [[the?]] [[moderation?]] [[thereof?]] of the President & another battle in Missouri in which the Southerners are said to have sustained a great loss. There is no truth in the report of the death of Jefferson Davis. We were very much startled last evening by a report that all the regiments of the city has been ordered immediately to W. as the southerners had possession of Arlington Height & were shelling the city. The excitement was very great both in Phil & [[Ger?]]. Our capitol is still safe however. Father started to go there this morning. It was not prudent to venture back so soon after his illness.
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but he felt uneasy about the affairs of the Institution. Public affairs weigh very heavily upon his mind. He thinks Gen Fremonts proclamation will [[strikethrough]] have [[\strikethrough]] only serve to unite the South more strongly. He thinks too that if the war continues long the country must be flooded with treasury notes & another of those terrible financial crises ensue which have more [[than?]] once reduced our country to the verge of ruin. 

W.18th    Went yesterday to see a parade in Philadelphia in honour of the day Mr. Holt & Mr. Dallas were both to preach but the former did not make his appearance.

Fri 20th   Have heard from Father. Mrs. [[Harris?]] was his companion de voyage. She has since been arrested. Her husband [[was?]] sent to negotiate for the body of Gen Cameron & was detained by the South it is suspected that he was not true to the Government. Their youngest daughter is still in Germantown. The event of the week has been the arrest of the Maryland legislature. Papers were discovered proving beyond a doubt that the Marylanders were to have acted in concert with the forces around W. an attack was to have been made upon the Capitol last Sunday so that the excitement in the city was not entirely groundless. Gen. McC. has won the enthusiastic affection of his officers & men they have given him the appellation of [[underlined]] George. His speeches ^to them are very concise here is one of them "we have suffered our last defeat, we have made our last retreat you stand by me & Ill stand by you." Mesdames Rodgers, Mc Combe, & Meigs are in Germantown  Cap Meigs has returned from the West. He is said to have gone to Missouri to [[settle?]] the difficulties 
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