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between Fremont & the Floyds. Another naval expedition [[has?]] said to have left [[N.Y.?]] it's destination unknown.  The times of this morning gives an account of a skirmish at Mariatown the confederates were routed but the Federal officer Col. Johnson was pierced by nine bullets ^& instantly killed while riding at the head of his column.

Sep 25th    Came to Princeton yesterday at Trenton met a long train of cars filled with soldiers en route for Washington. The air rang with their shouts as they passed us. Another battle in Missouri. Col. Mulligan has been obliged to surrender Lexington He fought bravely but was without water & overpowered by superior numbers. Col. Fremont is becoming very unpopular he is charged with mismanagement & extravagance in expenditure. It is said that he has placed Col. F P Blair under arrest for attempting his removal by correspondence with the Government officials at Wash. Kentucky has been invaded by the Confederate forces at several points. The legislature & the people have declared most emphatically for the Union & have given the command of the state forces to Major Anderson. The report that the American Minister at Brussels has offered a command in the Union army to Garibaldi is confirmed but whether the offer will be accepted is not known. The Prince is now in Boston. Gen. [[MJ?]] Thompson chief of the confederates forces in Missouri as issued proclamation 
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declaring that for every southern soldier put to death in accordance with the proclamation of Gen Fremont, he will hang, draw, & quarter a minion of Abraham Lincoln.

Sep 27th  Yesterday the national fast was observed with great solemnity.

Oct 3rd   The Great Eastern has been much injured by a violent storm. She was very nearly wrecked.

Oct 7th     News have been received [[strikethrough]] from the [[\strikethrough]] of the disloyalty of the Cherokee Indians they have held a council & appointed Commissioners to make a treaty of alliance with the Southern Government.

Oct 11th    The paper to day announces the return of Dr Hays the Artic Explorer.

Oct 14th    Gen Anderson & been relieved of his command in Kentucky is commanded to report himself at W. as soon as his health will permit. Zollicoffer is said to be at Cumberland Ford with a large force. Advances from Missouri state Gen Price is moving Southward. A grand naval expedition is preparing destiny unknown.

Oct 19       Another slight skirmish at Harper's Ferry. Gen Price has crossed the Osage river.

'' 22nd     a battle of some importance took place yesterday at Leesburg Col. Baker the Senator from Cal. was killed

Nov. 9    news from fleet two vessels driven ashore by gale ^[[NY?]] rest of fleet badly shelled by batteries of Port Royal
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