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another battle in Missouri rebels defeated.

Nov 11    Rumors from the fleet Beaufort said to be taken nothing certainly known. A victory of the rebels in western Virginia.

" 12      Reports concerning the fleet confirmed Gen Fremont removed.

Nov 14    The paper today contains the official dispatch of Com Dupont. Port Royal & Beaufort both taken. I have been in New York for several weeks the feeling against the South is exceedingly bitter here & I am afraid will only be satisfied with the immediate emancipation of the negros.

Dec 28th    Reached home Last Saturday. Find the city in a frightful condition The streets dirty & torn up by the heavy army wagons. Almost every other house on Penn. Avenue displays a sutler's sign or garabaldi neck ties & McClellan's books adorn the dry good stores. The great subject of interest now not only before the American public but before the world is the arrest of Mason & Slidel by Capt. Wilks. They were seized on board of the English vessel The Trent & will be certainly demanded by England. Should we not surrender them our war of 1812 is for nought. England in demanding [[strikethrough]] Jan 1[[\strikethrough]] the prisoners yields the question of the right of search.
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Jan. 1st 1862
The sun has risen brightly on the new year  I wish we could think it a good omen but the sky was as free from clouds the day twelve months ago & sad have been the calamities that have visited the Nation since then.
10 p.m.  We have had a pleasant day but greatly missed the old familiar faces now separated from not so much by distance & by the insurmountable barrier raised by the cries of War.
Feb. 6th  I have commenced the year badly. I have allowed more than a month to go by without writing in my journal. The question concerning Mason & Slidel has been decided.  They have reached England & we have remained true to the principal which cost so much bloodshed in 1812.  It is feared however that England is not as well disposed toward us as she wishes to appear.  Much as she has condemned slavery her interests are too deeply concerned in the bondage of the negro to allow her to dwell with complacency upon the prospect of their emancipation.  No white man can labor under the scorching sun of the South & the [[underscored]] free negro is perfectly worthless. ---- Sec. Cameron has been removed & given a foreign embasy.  Rumours are afloat of other changes to be made in the Cabinet.  Financial affairs look dark the Treasury notes issued in such abundance are already at
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