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saying Will had been very sick but that he was then convalescent & there was no need of returning home. Another letter came from Mother the next morning Wed. telling us Will was still very sick. I left the next morning Nell & Cary yielding to the desire expressed in Mother's letter to the opinion of the physician & Uncle's advise remaining until frost should make it safer for them to return home. Thinking Will still convalescent we all thought it wrong for them to risk their health when there was no necessity ^for so doing. Mrs. Blaney was my traveling companion Dr. Blaney met us at the Depot & kindly took me home. Clemy De Burt opened the door for me. I asked how Will was. He said "his voice is failing" I went up stairs into the dining room The house looked vile & desolate. I dreaded to have ^Mother come in. It was some time before she came but when she did her face reassured me. She did not seem frightened about him. Father also when he came in shortly after did not appear alarmed. After a little while Mother said I might see him I was not prepared for the change in him It was a terrible shock But the smile he gave me was inexpressibly sweet. I can never never forget it. His hand was so thin so damp & cold I thought he was dying I had to kneel down & lean my forehead on it to hide my tears. He stroked my hair said "she looks well", "See her tomorrow" I was afraid to stay longer ^for fear
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