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Dec 31st returned from a visit to Mr. Murdoch He wanted the lecture room of the Institution for his readings which Father was obliged to refuse. He asked him however to deliver a course of lectures before the Institution upon locution. It is rumored now that the whole army of the Patomac is about to return to Washington. I suppose to start anew. It is supposed now that France will certainly interfere in our affairs. Mr. McIntyre was here last night & also again to night. He is going to his brother who is still sick with the army near Fredericksburg. Prof. Hopkins has been here also. He was turned out of his place last winter under & unjust charge of disloyalty & has not yet been reinstated. Poor man I feel very sorry for him. This the last night of the old year. I treasure the hours as they go. The last of the year in which we had our Will, It is so hard to commence the new year without him.
[[swirl doodle - image]]
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Jan. 1st.     We watched the old year out & the new year in. Nell & I sat in Father's Study until the heavy boom of a cannon told us the old year was dead. I shall not soon forget that sound it [[underlined]] was the last of the year that knew our Will.
The day has been beautiful, We have [[strikeout]] seen [[strikeout]] not received our friends as usual, we were glad to see among the cards left at our door that of Mr. Schleiden [[comma swirl doodle - image]], we are very glad he has returned from Europe. Mr. McIntyre, came in for a few minutes before tea. Mr. Welling has just gone. He says it is the impression among the Diplomatic Corps that France to day acknowledges the Southern Confederacy that Mr. Slidell is received as minister. The President's signed the proclamation for the Division of the State of Virginia to day in spite of the opposition of the Cabinet. The prospects of the country are very dark.

Jan 3rd. Sat.  Prof & Mrs. Sandoz came to night. The Prof has gone with Father to the club. A visit from Mr. McIntyre & Father.

" 5th. Mon.  We had a visit last evening from Admiral Davis also from Mr. Wynkoop. Mr. Baer & his daughters came to day. A lecture this evening. After lecture Gen. Casey Dr. Bacon, Mrs Peale, Mr. Sommers Mr. McKnight & others came in.

7th.  Wed.  A visit from Madame Gerolt & daughter. She was very kind in her expression of sympathy for us. Carlotta is soon to be married to a young
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