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April  to sympathise somewhat with the South because that was the weaker party. After dinner Mr Kerr amused us, that is Father & myself by repeating some of Burns poems; his scotch accent & explanations of the purely scotch words made the poetry doubly pleasurable, Father enjoyed them exceedingly. Judge Mason came in soon so I was Mr. Herr's only auditer. He repeated some old Scotch ballads that were very quaint & pretty. After tea Dr Bache & Admiral Davis came in They have been appointed with Father a committee to settle Scientific questions arising in naval affairs. Mrs Bache accompanied the Dr. Capt Hague came to play chess with me.

Tues. 3rd.  Started on an expedition to the Observatory ^yesterday [[strikeout]] this [[strikeout]] morning; it is the first time we have been there this winter. We thought we should never reach there the mud was so deep [[strikeout]] & [[strikeout]] The army wagons have completely destroyed the streets in that part of the city. We stopped at Gen. Casey's on our way home to see Bessie.

[[Staied?]] last at Mrs. Peale's went in the morning to see Miss Bates. It was the first regular visit made since Will's death & I dreaded it. Mrs. Bates was exceedingly kind, she is motherly & gentle I went to thank Miss Bates for the photograph of 
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April   Father she had sent me. She was going with her sister to spend the morning in the Cemetery at Georgetown. They kindly asked me to accompany them [[I?]] proposed taking pencils & papers to sketch. It was a lovely day & I enjoyed the expedition greatly. The grounds never seemed more quietly beautiful. Miss Bates is determined to learn to sketch & we are to go again the next fine day. Miss Sally Bates is looking forward with great pleasure to visiting the army The President & others have made up a party for that purpose. 

Fri. 10th.  The Battle of Charleston has at last commenced The Ironclads have at last reached their destination Com. Dupont has command of the fleet. The fortifications are exceedingly strong & we must expect sharp fighting. To day the Keokuk is reported to have been sunk. The excitement is great & papers are selling rapidly as a [[little?]] news boy one of our protege's told us. 

Sat. 11th   A visit of Baron Gerolt. He came to see Father but not finding him at home gave me the pleasure of his company for a while. He said his daughters & his wife were very busy preparing to go to Europe in June. Carlotta is to be married. He wanted to see Father about a paper he is preparing for the Report. Carlotta has translated it for him. Speaking of the 
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