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left the steps of the Capitol we were introduced to Mr Willis the [[collector?]] I was surprised to see a tall red haired individual in place of the slender dark eyed man I had imagined him.

Savannah is said to have surrendered but the news is not yet confirmed. Gen Curtis has driven the Cecessionists entirely out of Missouri & has taken Bentonville in Arkansas.

I see by the Intelligencer that Dr Bachs & Prof [[Price?]] have been elected associate members of the University of Kiev in Russia. The same from which Father received a diploma a few days ago with a very complimentary letter from Baron Stoeckl ambassador from Russia.

28th    Our reception day, among other guests we had a visit from Mrs. McClellan. She is very agreeable sprightly in conversation & very good looking the cardes de visite of her do not do her justice. Miss Chase was also here. She is tall & slender & her soft brown hair waves away from a face expressive of strong character & intelligence I think she is very attractive though free from diffidence she is modest & does the honours of her Father's house very gracefully. Miss Hamlin the daughter of the vice President is not as pleasing in her appearance but has a good sensible face. Every one who came brought long faces a large number of the troops have been ordered to Virginia
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& an engagement of the whole army is expected soon. Nashville was occupied on the 24th by Gen Buell with 10,000 troops. The excitement there the Sunday previous was intense. The news of the success of the Northerners reached the inhabitants just as they were going to church they immediately dispersed to their homes to prepare for speedy flight We have not been able to learn much about Mr. Bell's family a paragraph in the Newspaper informed us that Mr. Yeatman had been advised to claim the rolling mills which [[strikethrough]] by [[\strikethrough]] were destroyed when Fort Donelson was taken One of the managers of the mills was captured reported the illness of John Bell as well as the intemperate habits of Breckenridge. 

[[March?]] [[4th?]]  General Smith lectured. He seems to be a true earnest man although fanatical. Immediate emancipation was of course his theme.

" 4th     A Matinee at Sec. Chases. Miss Chase received her guest with graceful dignity. Gen McClellan was there for a few moments. Mr. [[Day?]] was very agreeable. Gottschalk concert in the evening. 

7th     Reception day. a number of people here among others Miss Goldsborough. She has reason just now to be proud of her Father.

8th     Went to inquire about Mrs Casey she is not expected to live through the day Gen Casey may
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