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wounded in the battle of Bull's run but has entirely recovered his health his arm is useless however. We have an addition of Mr [[Pallins?]] & family to our family. We have heard indirectly from Mrs. Bell she is in Nashville Mr. Bell is in Memphis He sorrows for the desolation brought upon his country but does not regret the step he has taken.

Mon. 21st A.M.    Father came home late Saturday evening & reported that the city was intensely excited regiments were moving about drums beating & the streets filled with people. Yesterday morning we learned that Gen McDowell [[strikethrough]] was [[\strikethrough]] had been outflanked & that the Southerners were moving upon Washington This report was contradicted in the evening however The panic was caused by a [[strategem?]] on the part of the Government to discover whether the troops, the rescue corps about Washington were ready for a sudden attack. They were not completely prepared so the lesson was not unnecessary.

Thurs 24th    Received a letter from Dr. Woodhul. He is with the army at Yorktown He says the rebels are so near that all military orders have to be given quietly as possibly no reveille sounded no drums beaten. More than one shell had burst within a few feet of his 
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tent. The men were making most excellent [[works/roads?]] as well as strengthening their position.

Friday 25(?)    went to the Navy Yard went on board the Yankee she is a small vessel with two or three guns. A French vessel [[strikethrough]] lay [[\strikethrough]] had ^just arrived [[strikethrough]] that morning [[\strikethrough]] from Richmond with M. Mercier [[strikethrough]] it is [[\strikethrough]] the object of his journey thither is not known 

^May 1st  [[strikethrough]] [[May?]] [[1st]] [[\strikethrough]]  Went last evening to a party given by Mr Seward to the French officers. I was introduced to four or five of them & found [[them?]] sprightly & agreeable.

May 26th    Sunday seems to be the day for panics yesterday the city was thrown into a great state of excitement by the news that Banks had been driven across the river [[strikethrough]] & [[\strikethrough]] Jackson was said to be in possession of Harper's Ferry & great fears were entertained that he would come upon Washington. Gen. McDowell's troops have been ordered back for the defense of the city.

Wed. 28th    The seventh Regiment of N.Y. is in Baltimore the excitement in the Northern [[cities?]] is immense. Gen McDowell is blamed in some quarters for Gen Banks retreat as he withdrew from him a number of his men. Gen McClellan is now within a few miles of Richmond the Southerners have evacuated their extensive defenses ^at [[L??]] & [[gradually?]] [[orchestrated?]] giving fight [[strikethrough]] at Williamsburg [[\strikethrough]] [[?]]
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