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He at first thought this would prove a slight skirmish ^as several such had taken place the day before but he was quickly undeceived a vidette was sent to inform him the Southerners had arrived in force. He quickly called in his labourers stationed his men in the rifle pits & behind the abattis. On the Confederates came bravely [[strikeout]] to [[strikeout]] unshrinkingly. The artillery mowed down long lines in their ranks but these were immediately closed over. Seeing he must lose his guns Gen Casey ordered a charge boldly & well did the men do their duty driving the enemy back 200 yds. Overpowered at last by superior numbers. Gen Casey was at last obliged to fall back upon Gen Couch's division this [[strikethrough]] also [[strikethrough]] gave way & retreated to the line commanded by Gen Heintzelman which would also have yielded if it had not been for the timely reenforcement of Sherman.

Friday Aug 29th.    I have not written in my journal ^lately because we have been very busy preparing to leave home. In regard to war matters there has been little to record nothing was known ^for some time of Gen McClellan movement except that he had left his position before Richmond after the battle of Malvern Hill & was expected to join Gen Pope. We left home for this place yesterday. In the cars we met an intelligent officer who gave us an account of the battle of Malvern
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Hill He seemed to think it the most desperate that had yet been fought. He told us the southern troops had possession of Mannassas & would probably drive the Federal troops behind their entrenchment at Alexandria. He said our men were worn out with fighting & sickness. 
The news to day is that Gen. Lee with his cavalry had not only taken Mannassas but Centreville Gen Pope & Gen Burnside are beyond Mannassas & must cut their way through Gen. Lee's forces in order to reach the main body of the army Gen. McClellan has been in Alexandria for a day or two. He had an interview last evening with the President. He has ^again been made commander in chief of the army of the Patomac.

Sat. Aug 30th. Gen. Pope's official dispatch was in the paper this morning He is again in communication with the main body of the army. The Southerners have evacuated Mannassas & fallen back from Centerville Gen. McClellan's army ^at Alexandria has advanced to the assistance of Pope. Went to the village with our host Mr. Bear. He says the [[rocks?]] split only North & South, East & West. Father does not agree with him. He thinks the Potato rot is due to too much heat & moisture when the potato is fully ripe Father thinks these [[concomitent?]] [[circumstances?]] but that there is a [[veritable?]]
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