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"Hail ye sighing sons of sorrow,
View with me the autumnal gloom;
Learn from hence your fate to-morrow,
Dead perhaps, laid in the tomb.

See all nature fading, dying,
Silent all things seem to mourn,
Life from vegetation flying,
Calls to mind the mouldering urn.

Oft in autumn tempests rising
Make the lofty forest nod;
Scenes of nature, how surprising -
Read in nature, nature's God.

Mournful scenes when vegetation
Dies by cold, in autumn's hour;
Doubly mournful when a nation
Dies by neighbouring nation's power.

Nations die with dread before them,
Through enraged tyrannic kings,
Just like plants, when frost is on them,
Fall to rise in future spring.

Autumn gives me melancholy,
Strikes dejection o'er my soul